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This Taos sunset panorama is a 180° view of the valley. I hope you can see it large enough to enjoy. Make sure to view it full screen!
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This Taos sunset panorama is a 180° view of the valley. I hope you can see it large enough to enjoy. Make sure to view it full screen!
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While out doing some exploring around the house, I got lured into these pretty purple flowers, purple Asters. It wasn’t until I was back at my desk going through what I had captured that a truly saw what I had just seen. The single, curled petal just made me laugh.…
This gallery contains 6 photos.
Here are some very nice purple asters (Symphyotrichum puniceum), and some unknown weeds. Be sure to view these full screen!
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This Taos sunset is a little different, and it’s actually showing Taos! The city is in the right side of the image. As can be seen, I am several miles away from town to the west, which means I am usually facing away from the city to get the sunset.…
This gallery contains 6 photos.
This Taos sunrise captivated me. I took far too many pictures, and am sharing too many. But it’s OK, right? See Taos sleeping quietly there on the left? If only I were still asleep.
This gallery contains 2 photos.
The glow of this Taos sunset ball was very beautiful, but also quite small. But I’ll take it anyway. Better than gray skies!
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One more from today. I just HAD to make a Taos sunset panorama. Isn’t it fantastic? I like the crown looking formation in the center. What does it look like to you? Click the picture to go FULL SCREEN!
This gallery contains 3 photos.
The sky really had a great show for me tonight! WOW! Enjoy this Taos sunset, and share with your friends.
This gallery contains 3 photos.
I was awakened by the sound of the coyotes having a fantastic party. I don’t know what they were excited about but it made me get up in a confusion, thinking my cats were trapped in a closet and crying to get out…or something. Anyway, it afforded me this gorgeous…
This gallery contains 2 photos.
Today’s sunset was a little weak, but it was still fun to watch. Not everything translates to a striking photograph, even if it does look pretty in person.