Latest Photos!

Spring Tree Blossoms
Today I was walking around town on my lunch break. The spring tree blossoms are going nuts! It won’t be long before they are all gone but I’m happy to get a few while I can even if it is just on my phone.

Bison on the Hillside
This is another one in Custer State Park showing bison on the hillside. It was quite a nice autumn scene. The bison were all around us just happily eating what was left of the green grass. Because it is unsafe to be near such large, wild animals I had to be quick about this shot.…

Pregnant Burro in Grass
If you have never visited Custer State Park in South Dakota, you are really missing out. I found this pregnant burro in tall grass while we were driving through the park during our brief residence nearby. It is a great place to see the burros, coyotes, prairie dogs, buffalo (bison), fox, deer, elk and much…

Old Rusty Can in Green Grass
I often find old things interesting. I’m a bit of a sentimentalist in that regard as I cherish that which most others would discard as worthless. I deeply enjoy history and have a fascination with any objects that clearly posses history. This old rusty can is just one such thing. Just imagine what was inside…

Seaside, Oregon Sunset
It is always such a pleasure to go to the beach and watch the waves roll in. Sometimes you just don’t want to leave. I visited Seaside, Oregon a couple of years ago and was in no hurry to leave. It was such a peaceful evening and the salty air was so refreshing. There was…

Sitting Cows Chew the Cud
Sitting cows chew the cud while in a grassy field. In the shade. Does life get any better? Well, I suppose if your end is to become a meal, then it certainly can. But in this case these cows are likely milkers and, given the surroundings, they might have been nearly family pets. I had…

Taos Sunset #10
This sky was very pretty, and extremely dynamic. I kept running back outside to get more after I thought I was already done. It just kept getting better and better! Taos sunsets just don’t seem to disapoint me.

Taos Sunset #9
The sky is the limit! Well, at least when it comes to Taos sunsets. Keep a lookout for OTHER types of images from the Taos area, coming very soon.

Taos Sunset #8
This is another from tonight, but the sky was just so bold I had to give this it’s own special post. I’m not even sure this is a Taos sunset, so much as a Taos night sky.

Taos Sunset #7
Here are a few more Taos sunset shots. From soft and pink to bold and deep, this sky really provided some great scenes!

Taos Sunset Panorama #2
This Taos sunset panorama is a 180° view of the valley. I hope you can see it large enough to enjoy. Make sure to view it full screen!

Quirky Flower
While out doing some exploring around the house, I got lured into these pretty purple flowers, purple Asters. It wasn’t until I was back at my desk going through what I had captured that a truly saw what I had just seen. The single, curled petal just made me laugh. The perfect imperfection of this…

Purple Asters
Here are some very nice purple asters (Symphyotrichum puniceum), and some unknown weeds. Be sure to view these full screen!

Taos Sunset #6
This Taos sunset is a little different, and it’s actually showing Taos! The city is in the right side of the image. As can be seen, I am several miles away from town to the west, which means I am usually facing away from the city to get the sunset. This time I was able…

Taos Sunrise #2
This Taos sunrise captivated me. I took far too many pictures, and am sharing too many. But it’s OK, right? See Taos sleeping quietly there on the left? If only I were still asleep.

Taos Sunset #5
The glow of this Taos sunset ball was very beautiful, but also quite small. But I’ll take it anyway. Better than gray skies!

Taos Sunset Panorama #1
One more from today. I just HAD to make a Taos sunset panorama. Isn’t it fantastic? I like the crown looking formation in the center. What does it look like to you? Click the picture to go FULL SCREEN!

Taos Sunset #4
The sky really had a great show for me tonight! WOW! Enjoy this Taos sunset, and share with your friends.

Taos Sunrise #1
I was awakened by the sound of the coyotes having a fantastic party. I don’t know what they were excited about but it made me get up in a confusion, thinking my cats were trapped in a closet and crying to get out…or something. Anyway, it afforded me this gorgeous Taos sunrise. Enjoy!

Taos Sunset #3
Today’s sunset was a little weak, but it was still fun to watch. Not everything translates to a striking photograph, even if it does look pretty in person.

Taos Sunset #2
Another day, another Taos Sunset to revel in.